Not Lisa

I was just settling in to work on my blog and I found that my phone (which I typically write my blog on) is dead and unresponsive. So I am writing on Lisa’s phone. This means that the author of this blog update will state “Lisa Schlichting” but in actuality it will be me.

Today the boys woke up near 6am again! Unfortunately, Lisa woke up around 4 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Eventually we will all get in sync. I let Lisa sleep in for a few minutes longer. Every bit helps some mornings.

We headed out to work per usual. We were in the middle of one of our morning discussions while driving on 5th ave downtown when we noticed that traffic was pilling up. I looked ahead and it seemed like a bus was perpendicular to the street. So, we left that street quickly, avoiding the odd traffic jam. We later found out that it was the President. He was in town today and he decided to have a Top Pot donut! I knew I voted for him for a reason. The man has good taste. 🙂

While at work I wrote an automation script for beauty images. One of my coworkers is teaching me about how to do this kind of thing. It’s really fun and it exercises my brain because it’s different and new.

We received several pictures from Taurean. The boys went to the park today and it looks like they had a great time! Later, back at home, Oliver put bananas in his hair. It works as a styling gel and it smells nice!

When I got home I played with the guys for a while and then fed them their dinner, for 30 minutes straight! They just kept eating! It’s amazing how much they eat and how much they’ve grown. Oliver even has two teeth on top now! But they’re positioned in random spots so he kind of has a hill-billy look to him.

As soon as we were done eating, Lisa came home. The boys lit up as always but she didn’t have much time to get them ready for bed.

It’s been a long day. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get a presidential donut.

Captain Out

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