Zoo day! (snakes)

6:30! Are you kidding me! The boys slept in so late (or, the time we were usually at). At any rate, we all got some good sleep last night. And I was able to take advantage of it because I had the day off!

We all started the day off as a family. It was a nice way to start the weekday. Everyone was in relative good spirits. We wished Lisa well as she headed out the door for work and continued eating our waffles.

Not long after we got the house in order Taurean came. And my first day off in a while had officially started. Unfortunately a migraine was trying to settle in. But after I took care of that I had a nice relaxing day and I didn’t regret a second of it.

This is what Taurean sent us today:

they were super into putting animals together!

O found a kitty. Naturally, it needs a kiss. (He is so stinkin sweet!)

Push it good.


it is so precious watching them get involved! omg-today’s creature feature story was about…A SNAKE! The boys totally touched a snake! I didn’t take pics for Grandma Gilbertson’s sake 🙂

O watching a staff member vacuum the axelotl’s aquarium.


peeking at the penguin eggs

After Taurean left I started making dinner and the boys wanted to play trains downstairs. So, after making sure they made it down, I kept checking on them and they behaved so well! I even asked O to tell W that we would be having dinner in five minutes. When I came down to get them for dinner O was reminding W again that he had “ten minutes will-o-min.” Obviously something got lost in the translation. But the message was delivered.

While we were getting ready for dinner Lisa came home. The boys were super excited to see her. And after having a nice warm bath it was time for reading in our robes with mommy.

It was a really great way to finish out the day.

Captain Out

About abondas

Father of crazy twin boys.
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